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Danas delimično vedro vreme, tek ponegde sa slabom kišom, temeperatura do osam stepeni

Ujutru se u većini krajeva očekuje niska oblačnost, ponegde i magla, osim na severoistoku Srbije i u Negotinskoj Krajini gde će biti delimično vedro, saopštio je Republički hidormeteorološki zavod (RHMZ). Pre podne i sredinom dana uslediće postepeno razvedravanje sa severoistoka, dok će se na jugozapadu i jugu Srbije zadržati pretežno oblačno tokom većeg dela dana, […] Чланак Danas delimično vedro vreme, tek ponegde sa slabom kišom, temeperatura do osam stepeni се појављује прво на Vesti online.

The main idea of the text is to provide a weather forecast for Serbia. It mentions: * Today's weather: Partly cloudy with occasional light rain, temperatures up to 8 degrees Celsius. * Morning conditions: Low cloud cover and fog in most areas, except for northeastern Serbia. * Afternoon and evening: Increasing sunshine, with possible light rain and snow in mountainous areas. * Wind: Weak to moderate, with occasional stronger winds in eastern Serbia and mountainous regions. * Temperature range: -3 to 8 degrees Celsius. * Forecast for the next seven days: Mostly mild temperatures and occasional frost in the mornings. *, Emphasis is placed on the current day's weather description and the general trend over the following week.

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